Pre-Medicine | Pre-Health


Welcome to pre-med!  We are excited that you have your sights set on becoming a physician.  You have a long road ahead of you but we are here to help.  We will provide information and support as you take the pre-requisite courses up until you start the application and testing process.


▼   Allopathic vs Osteopathic – What’s the difference?

Allopathic medical schools are those that are considered “traditional” medical schools in which the treatment of disease is the underlying principle.  The University of South Alabama College of Medicine and the University of Alabama Birmingham School of Medicine are both allopathic programs.  The first two years are focused on basic science.  For example, at the University of South Alabama an “integrated organ systems-based approach” is taken.  The last two years are clinical in nature where students are able to spend time learning vital skills in the treatment of patients.  Upon completion, graduates of an allopathic program are awarded the Doctor of Medicine, M.D.

Students attending osteopathic medical schools, where disease prevention is the primary goal,  have the same basic science training as their counterparts in allopathic programs. However, osteopathic students also undergo additional training in Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment.  Through hands on diagnosis and manipulation, osteopathic physicians have an additional treatment modality.  The last two years are also spend in a clinical setting.  The Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine, D.O., is awarded upon graduation. 

▼   Requirements for Medical School
▼   International Students and Medical School


Useful links for Pre-Medicine

“Aspiring Docs” through AAMC 

AAMC (Association of American Medical Colleges)

AAMC student site (MSARS info)

American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine

AAMCAS Application Service

AACOMAS Application Service

MCAT Preparation