MCOB News Archives

  • Dr. Binata Mukherjee and Chris Jett
    Ask the Expert
    January 18, 2023
    With healthcare careers in demand, so are administrators who have a dual background in business and healthcare. ...
  • Ronald Banks standing outside on campus.
    Growing up just five minutes from campus, Mitchell Scholar and freshman Ronald Blanks always had a strong desire to attend the Uni ...
  • Featured Alumni standing in front of Meisler Hall
    Alumni Fellows
    January 18, 2023
    After graduating from the University of South Alabama in 1973 with a bachelor's degree in education, Cynthia Baber-Strunk sta ...
  • Three members of the Mitchell College
    3 People 3 Questions
    January 18, 2023
    Since the COVID shutdowns, I have read more fiction than in all of the past 30 years, much of it what I call brain pablum (baby fo ...
  • Joel Ponce in front of colorful painting.
    Both in geography and career path, Joel Ponce has traveled along roads he never expected. ...
  • Avril McRae
    A Certified Public Accountant, active community member, and mother of two, Mitchell Scholar alum Avril McRae does it all, and then ...
  • SABRE Summit 2022
    SABRE Summit 2022
    November 29, 2022
    On November 17, 2022, the South Alabama Center for Business Analytics, Real Estate and Economic Development, SABRE, hosted its sec ...
  • Dr. Chris Lawrey, standing outside on campus.
    Dr. Chris Lawrey, Director of the Mitchell College of Business Jaguar Investment Fund and assistant professor of economics and fin ...
  • Anne Morgan Swearingen standing outside on campus.
    Hello, everyone! My name is Anne Morgan Swearingen, and I am a junior majoring in Accounting. A lifelong resident of Mobile, I gre ...
  • Bradford Hardin
    Productive. Rigorous. Formative. Those three words describe Alumni Spotlight and 2004 MCOB graduate Bradford Hardin's four y ...
  • Sebastien Collard standing outside on campus.
    Hey everyone! My name is Sebastien Collard, and I am a senior majoring in finance. I am an international student from Quebec, Cana ...
  • Sam Adcock speaking to MCOB class.
    ELS Speaker: Sam Adcock
    October 27, 2022
    On October 18th, 2022 the Mitchell College of Business welcomed Mr. Sam Adcock for the Executive Leadership Series. Now the Execut ...
  • Get Connected Day 2022
    Get Connected Day 2022
    September 30, 2022
    The Mitchell College of Business hosted its annual Get Connected Day on September 29th. A fall tradition of MCOB, Get Connected Da ...
  • MCOB Goes Global
    MCOB Goes Global
    September 26, 2022
    This past summer, four Mitchell College students pursued learning opportunities across the globe. ...
  • Melanie Watson
    Hey everyone! My name is Melanie Watson. I am a senior at the University of South Alabama majoring in general management with a mi ...
  • Jarrod England
    Today, Jarrod England is much more than a Mitchell College Alumni; he is a proud Mobilian, dedicated husband to Caitlin, father to ...
  • Alexander Rodman sitting outside on campus.
    Sarasota, Fla native Alexander Rodman decided he wasn't quite ready to leave South. After receiving his undergraduate degree ...
  • Bennett Shell and Amber Walker
    The Mitchell College of Business is dedicated to providing experiential learning and professional development opportunities to eve ...
  • Stacy Wellborn with headphones on in podcast.
    Mitchell Moments
    June 15, 2022
    The University of South Alabama Mitchell College of Business has launched a podcast, "Mitchell Moments," an idea propose ...
  • Ermanno Affuso
    In the current age of innovation, blockchain technology has been receiving substantial media attention. ...
  • Brent Barkin standing outside.
    Brent Barkin, chief executive officer of Shoe Station, recently did a follow-up interview to his 2018 Mitchell Magazine interview, ...
  • Dallas Skyline
    "I was 19 years old when I took a break from school and started working for an electrician. I was making $5 an hour. By the t ...
  • Nic Glass, Sydney Baker, and Kira Benkmann
    Success in business and on the track are not too different. Both require hard work and dedication, qualities most student athletes ...
  • Amod Amritphale pictured
    A Change of Heart
    June 14, 2022
    Originally from India, Amod Amritphale came to the U.S. for an internal medicine residency at the University of Nevada School of M ...
  • Mitchell Collège of Business Scholars 2023
    2023 Freshman Mitchell Scholars ...
  • Three students walking on campus.
    Suit-able Majors
    June 14, 2022
    List of Mitchell College of Business Majors ...
  • Hunter Rencher
    Sophomore accounting major Hunter Rencher's love for music and marching band started from an early age. ...
  • Gwen Pennywell, Sam Penque, Jana Stupavsky
    Gwen Pennywell - Interim Assistant Dean for Graduate Programs ...
  • Dr. Charlene Dadzie in Africa.
    For Dr. Charlene Dadzie, assistant professor of marketing and quantitative methods, championing social justice isn't just a r ...
  • Mark Segal
    The Mitchell College of Business is saddened by news of the recent loss of Dr. Mark Segal. Specializing in tax accounting, Segal j ...
  • May Graduation 2022
    The Mitchell College of Business congratulates all of our May graduates. The commencement ceremony was hosted on May 7th at the Mi ...
  • Di'Quan Patterson
    Hello, everyone! My name is Di'Quan (Quan) Patterson and I am a twenty-eight-year-old freshman majoring in entrepreneurship. ...
  • Mitchell Honors
    2022 Mitchell Honors
    April 26, 2022
    The Mitchell College of Business was joined by President Jo Bonner and Mr. Abe Mitchell in hosting the Mitchell Honors. The event, ...
  • Sam Penque
    Hey everyone! My name Sam Penque and I am a second semester senior majoring in Finance with a pre-med track. I graduated from Hewi ...
  • Russell Ladd
    The story of the MCOB is intertwined with the life and values of the late Russell Ladd. Russell joined the inaugural MCOB Executi ...
  • Caleb Lambert standing outside on campus.
    Hey y'all! My name is Caleb Lambert and I am a senior marketing management major here at the Mitchell College of Business. I& ...
  • Stacy Sergeant
    Coming from a proud family of Jag alumni, Mobile native Stacy Sergeant graduated with a degree in marketing with a concentration i ...
  • Chris Melton speaking in front of a group.
    On March 8th, 2022 the Mitchell College of Business welcomed Chris Melton for its Executive Leadership Series. Chris Melton, an MC ...
  • Dr. Matt Howard standing out side on campus.
    A Rising Star
    March 8, 2022
    University of South Alabama Assistant Professor Dr. Matt Howard has been selected for the Association for Psychological Science Ri ...
  • Mariam El-Sharkh standing outside of Mitchell College of Business.
    Hey everyone! My name is Mariam El-Sharkh, and I am a junior majoring in management with a concentration in general management, al ...
  • Lucas Brunson
    For Mitchell College of Business alumnus Lucas Brunson, an unexpected internship opportunity-in conjunction with his South Alabama ...
  • Blake Batchelor
    Over the past four years, Mitchell College senior Blake Batchelor has been stepping out of his comfort zone and stretching toward ...
  • Tax form on computer screen.
    University of South Alabama upper division accounting students will be a part of the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program provi ...
  • Jaguar Investment Fund presented to the Blue Chip Investment Group.
    On Monday, November 15, 2021 the Jaguar Investment Fund presented to the Blue Chip Investment Group. Each year the JIF prepares an ...
  • Cam Marston Speaks at Senior Seminar at Mitchell College of Business.
    On Tuesday, November 16th, 2021 the Mitchell College of Business welcomed radio personality Cam Marston as the Senior Seminar spea ...
  • SABRE Program at Summit.
    On November 18, 2021 the South Alabama Center for Business Analytics, Real Estate and Economic Development, SABRE, hosted the inau ...
  • Tracy Coleman
    For Tracy Coleman, the University of South Alabama has been a part of her life since she was little. The Mobile native started her ...
  • SABRE Summit Program.
    On November 18, 2021 the South Alabama Center for Business Analytics, Real Estate and Economic Development, SABRE, hosted the inau ...
  • Noah Roche
    Noah Roche knows the value of hard work and entrepreneurship. He's held several titles over the years: electrician apprentice ...
  • Jake Gosa and Dr. Alvin Williams
    Each semester, the Mitchell College of Business hosts the Executive Leadership Series (ELS). This event provides students with the ...